September 2018 Recap – Random Trivia Generator by the Numbers
Hello dear readers and fans of the Random Trivia Generator and welcome to another monthly update. The purpose of these posts is to provide a peek behind the curtain and all the action that takes place to bring the tens to thousands of trivia questions to users. It has been a couple of months since the last update but I have had a busy summer and was away for a while. Now that Fall is here, I am back to spending time on writing trivia and working on minor updates in the background.
New Questions
Since the last monthly recap in April we added 111 new questions to the main Random Trivia Generator website. As of this post, we are sitting at 20,081 trivia questions. The 20,000 threshold was broken at the end of August and was celebrated with a round of questions focusing on the number 20.
I want to thank everyone who sent in questions and corrections. I am still tackling the submissions but I am down to the last 20 at the moment.
New Quizzes and Rounds
Since the last update in June, I only published the celebratory round on the number 20.
Stay tuned for even more questions next month.