Trivia Tuesdays – South Park
I recently added re-watching South Park episodes to my morning routine. And with a laptop not too far, the writing of trivia questions soon followed. Enjoy this round of South Park trivia and be on the lookout for the next one.
- Under what name did Eric Cartman appear as a calculus teacher in an inner-city school in season 12? – Eric Cartmenez
- While pretending to be an inner city calculus teacher, what was Eric Cartman’s catch phrase? – How do I reach these keeeds?
- What disappeared from the town of South Park, forcing Randy to relocate his family to a refugee camp in California? – The Internet
- What book did Butters write as a sequel to “Scrotie McBoogerballs”? – The Poop That Took a Pee
- In what season of South Park did the boys claim that Butters wrote the book “Scrotie McBoogerballs”? – Season 14
- What country’s Royal Wedding was Ike obsessed with in Season 15 of South Park? – Canada
- What is the name of the giant Canadian? – Scott
- In their school report, what did the boys claim to be present during the first Thanksgiving meal? – Aliens
- Whose mom was sucked into a toilet? – Clyde’s
- What is the name of the reality series Token made featuring mobility scooter-bound Cartman? – Here Comes Fatty Doo Doo
Tie breaker – In season 16 of South Park, what chain store did Randy buy for $10,000? – Blockbuster
Image credit: DeviantArt