Comic Book Wednesdays – Revival Trivia
It’s the day after Trivia Tuesday…middle of the work week. Only 6 more days until another Trivia Tuesday! What to do but read new comic books on this holy of days – Comic Book Wednesday!
I have been in an on-again, off-again relationship with comic books for over 25 years. Break-ups have been rough due to shortage of space, loss of interest, poor story arcs, needless tie-ins, and heavy work load (hey kids, you still want to become an engineer???). But for the re-birth of my second most favorite hobby, I thought it would be nice to tie in another one – comic books. And what better title to tie in than Revival!
So for the revival of Random Trivia Generator and the start of this new blog, enjoy this short Revival themed trivia round:
- Which comic book publisher publishes the “Revival” series? – Image Comics
- What year saw the release of issue #1 of the “Revival” comic book series? – 2012
- What US state is this comics series based in? – Wisconsin
- What is the family name of the brothers who try to sell parts of the revivers? – Check
- Which young girl comes back to life early on in the series? – Jordan Borchardt (bonus points for correct spelling)
- What short name does Dana use to refer to her son? – Coop
- What is the full name of Em Cypress, Dana’s sister and reviver? – Martha Ann Cypress
- What is Em Cypress’ secret? – She is a reviver
- What is the name of Dana and Em’s father? – Wayne Cypress
- This comics series is often described as what genre? – HorrorĀ (bonus points for “rural-noir”)
Tie-breaker: What does the abbreviation of Dana’s police team, RCAT, stand for? – Revitalized Citizen Arbitration Team
Until next Wednesday!
Image credit: Alphacoders