Links Fixed
See the updates made to the Old Random Trivia Generator.

Many Apologies
Over the last few weeks the site has been plagued by a number of issues ranging from the obvious overlay ads to other behind the scenes issues. These have now been fixed and I would like to apologize to all the users who were inconvenienced by the issues. The overlay ads were especially annoying and I would like to explain that these were not intentional. I wouldn’t use such ads at the expense of user experience.
My sincerest apologies to everyone. This took a bit longer to resolve than anticipated. I have taken steps to try and prevent this from happening again as much as I can in the future.
Thank you for understanding.
Q: Who is the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess Venus?
A: Aphrodite
Random Responses #3
Addressing a Random Trivia Generator user’s email about how to submit corrections.
Random Responses #2
Addressing a Random Trivia Generator user’s email about a question related to states starting with the letter O.